Sunday, January 27, 2008

Oh it Snowed!!!

Chandan Sharma, Dinesh Nagar

A rare sight in the south and mostly heard of and infrequently seen, Georgia Tech welcomed the snow this winters. The students although involved hectically in the start of this spring semester found this unexpected snowfall a break worth coming out and merry making.

The Greek houses were the most active points with student buzzing and throwing snow bowling. Even the stingers sometimes got the better of the snowballs when they got intercepted in the well executed trajectories. And splat!! Ah the sound of the snow splattering on the stinger windows brought an upwards curves on students lips both inside and both outside the buses.

We traveled with this instantaneous buzz, that snow had brought in the otherwise mundane affairs throughout the campus and voila the next hotspot was the ground outside the Campus Recreation Center where several snowmen were seen guzzling up snow and growing up.


Chris a 1st year Masters Student who was elated with it took this opportunity to get out and try his hands on the soft flakes. He found it a pleasant excuse to call it a day and get out wild in the snow. It’s been long for him since he had such an experience and thus it came to him as a beautiful surprise.

Coming out of class, Shiva Jaini, a second year graduate student who had never seen a snowfall before, found this experience heavenly. But at the back of his mind he was a bit apprehensive of getting sick and after being out in open for a while he came back to the warmth of his home. All in all he was contended, to witness such a rare occasion in Atlanta.


But Alicia, an undergraduate student, on the other hand found it rather painful to be out stuck in such a weather. She got stranded on the North Avenue bus stop as she didn’t have any idea if it would snow and hence wasn’t prepared. Delaying stingers also multiplied her miseries. She said in such weather she usually prefers to watch TV wearing comfy pajamas and wrapped in blankets.

So it was not all fun! Unexpected snowfall caught many students by surprise as they got stranded wet and chilled on their way back home in the evening. Sleety roads brought the traffic in the campus to a crawling speed causing stinger-delays and agonizing already shivering souls waiting at the stops.